Imam AlSadeq (AS) Quranic School
In its provision of curricula, the school relies on the Islamic sciences, the sciences of the Ahlul Bait (PBUT) in a moderate and moderate manner, and the sciences of the Holy Qur’an. It is subject to direct supervision by the Jafaria Endowments Charitable Council of Dubai, as the Council seeks to graduate generations committed religiously, culturally, and nationally, and it has Sufficient awareness to face challenges of all kinds. The academic subjects offered vary to include: the sciences of the Holy Qur’an, including recitation and intonation. Students are also taught how to perform ablution and prayer, as well as developing the spirit of religious and national commitment in them from an early age. All these tasks are carried out by a team of specialized teachers from the sons and daughters of the Emirates, under the direct supervision of Jafaria Endowments Charitable Council of Dubai. Activities of Imam Al-Sadeq (AS) School for teaching the Holy Quran: The school carries out dozens of annual activities in various fields, including the following: 1. Holding classes to recite and memorize the Holy Qur’an for adults and children, both women and men. 2. Organizing Islamic, national and cultural competitions. 3. Conducting educational and cultural field visits to museums, parks and cultural centers all around the Emirates.. 4. Organizing Umrah trips for school students. 5. Participating in religious and national celebrations.
We seek to graduate generations who are committed religiously, nationally, and culturally, and who have sufficient awareness to face challenges of all kinds.
+971 4 3525252