Funerals and Cemeteries Affairs
The Board of Directors of the Jaafari Charitable Endowments in Dubai provides free washing and burial services for the dead through the Council’s cemeteries for citizens and residents of the Emirate of Dubai according to the following conditions:
Burial permit conditions:
1. A copy of the death certificate issued by the hospital.
2. A copy of the no objection letter from Dubai Police only.
3. Burial is permitted only for citizens.
As for expatriate brothers and sisters, they are required to hold a valid residence permit in Dubai only, and any burial requests that do not meet the conditions will not be accepted.
4. The authorized times for burial are from 8 a.m. to before Maghrib prayer.
The Council also provides washing services for the dead for both males and females in designated and equipped places, and by specialists in Islamic washing.
Services it provides:
- Preserving bodies (in hours only).
- Performing prayers for the deceased.
- Condolences to the families of the deceased.
- Washing and preparing the deceased.
- Digging graves and burying the deceased.